Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Natas Mix Vol.1

The year is coming to an end and the only thing we have left is to celebrate. Here i made compilation for everyone to share, listen and dance dance dance,
Kick-ass songs remixed by Aoki, Death to the Throne, The Twelves, Wolfgang Gartner, Van She Tech and much much more...and guess what?? they are freeeeeee



Friday, December 18, 2009


Jaz Ayling ©

Carlo VS Ruben

ECAL semester work coming up


You have heard of the zebra this is the Jaz wall.
january 13th this space will be mine and my work will masterbate its walls.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We♥Joanie Dodds

With hair like Rupenzle and a physique like barbie herself Joanie Dodds is the sexiest Pennsylvanian I know. When I asked her what inspires her she wrapped up the universe of fashion in words that I couldn't put better myself. ''No matter what happens in the world, the fashion industry will always be there to shock us, make us smile, or make us drool with sex appeal.'' Well Joanie certainly knows how to live up to each category in her statement finding excitement and above all interest in becoming someone else during that moment the camera clicks.


Joanie starting turning heads at the young age of six in small fashion shows at her grandmothers church. Some 20 years down the line she we can look back at how her career took her down the church isle to down the cat walk of today's top fashion shows.
Remember that kid at band camp? Well that was Joanie. Yup.... I know right?!

She was pretty much the dorkiest kid ever; skinny, glasses, boys..forget about it! You can imagine. However she did manage to score a few points of cool before she left high school by for filling the cliche and guessed it; .....the cheer leading team.


Either way whether the kids at school thought she was hot or not, they were about to see just how beautiful the world thinks she is when she was chosen to participate in Americas Next Top Model. It was fun, she climbed elephants and wore jewelry made of diamonds and cockroaches, alive ones, there were ups, there were downs...and it changed her life.
Although modeling seems to be all about looks, personality has a hell of a lot to do with it and a hell of a character this girl has!


Joanie isn't just a model though. Aside from being a great friend and a pocket full of fun she is an OCD. I remember coming into my kitchen one day and Joanie was there. She had rearranged everything. Honestly it was kinda scary but since then the kitchen is awesome, things are so much easier to find. Shes so into her OCD she started a small business lending her services as a home improver! And it doesn't stop there. Shes also knows how to cut wood with big saws and hammer nails and stuff. If you want to see Joanie live in action she just started a new home improvement show called Run My Renovation. Joanie's next chapter of life lies in the world of television, Natas wish her the best of luck in her debut.
She told us she wants to try out the world of stand up comedy..ummm.... Natas wish her luck for that too...

Nowadays Joanie has replaced her extracurricular activities of cheer leading and choir with yoga and other passions like always on the look out for a good old karaoke with the drinks that go with it! Most importantly, the best thing about Joanie is that she will never forget the real goof that lies within her, and that keeps her real.

All of us who have the pleasure to know her, and even those who have set there gaze on our beautiful eye candy Joanie Dodds, can vouch that even when shes a old granny shell still be heating up billboards and tv screens! So dont worry if you want sure theres much much much more..



Written by Jaz

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Alice's Adventures in Downtown



Written & directed by Guy Malim


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Zebra Wall Project

Hi freaks!!
In order to get you in spirit for tomorrow's post about the
Zebra Wall's first additions,
I have put together some Zebra fun for you to enjoy!!


Did you know that the Zebra had a queer brother called the Quagga?
Photographs are the only proof that this animal ever existed. By 1870s, they were all killed, the last one died at a zoo in Amsterdam,Netherlands, on August 12, 1883.
The stripes on a Quagga were limited to its frontal portion and the rest of the body was similar to a horse with the exception of white feet.

now back to Zebras...

"The name "zebra" comes from the Old Portuguese word zevra which means "wild ass". Their stripes come in different patterns unique to each individual. They are generally social animals and can be seen in small harems to large herds. In addition to their stripes, zebras have erect, mohawk-like manes. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and asses, zebras have never been truly domesticated."

*Nice!! They are WILD THINGS!! They have what it seems to be a "punk-fuck off" attitude and appearance, where they will seem cute and and poised with gentility, to the point where they seem reachable but NO, we have never been able to domesticate them...
No, but really, who wouldn't like to have a zebra in their backyard and ride that little sucker?? I WOULD! Even tough I never got a chance to ride my Water Buffalo when I had him (YOU'RE MY BOY WIMPI, YOU'RE MY BOY) I still have a fascination for peculiar animals apparently, DON'T JUDGE.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009



Photos by Joanie Dodds

Making the deal

"Double Check" by J. Seward Johnson Jr
Liberty Plaza, Financial District, NYC



Photos by Gabriela and Federico Goldbaum

Roxy Paine @ the Met's Cantor Roof Garden, NYC

Roxy Paine is an American artist based in Brooklyn and Treadwell, NY.

In an interesting combination of his two primary ways of working, Roxy Paine uses both mechanical means and the innate logic of natural forms to create his "Dendroid" tree-like sculptures. Paine's meticulous research and observation of a variety of tree species help him to understand the "language" of how a tree grows, and from there he creates fictional tree species that grow to a logic of their own. Paine has said: "I've processed the idea of a tree and created a system for its form. I take this organic majestic being and break it down into components and rules. The branches are translated into pipe and rod.". Employing the language that he has invented pertaining to each of these fictive species, Paine's trees are "grown" through a laborious process of welding together the cylindrical piping and rods of diminishing size.

The first of these dendroids was Imposter, 1999, now at the Wanas Foundation, in Knislinge, Sweden. Roxy has gone on to create fifteen trees, includingBluff, 2002, which premiered in New York's Central Park during the Whitney Biennial in 2002, and the very ambitiousConjoined, 2007, recently on display in Manhattan's Madison Square Park (through December 31, 2007). Conjoined is a 40 ft tall by 45 ft wide sculpture of two trees whose branches cantilever in space and connect in mid air. Paine creates two different fictional tree species where each branch from one tree joins with a branch from the other. For the observer, it is unclear where one tree begins and the other ends.

Paine's recent sculpture,Inversion, 2008, was installed in the Public Art Projects section of Art Basel 39, in Basel, Switzerland in June 2008. It was also part of FREEDOM: Den Haag Sculptuur 2008 in The Hague, Netherlands through August 2008.

His latest and most ambitious project to date,Maelstrom, 2009, could be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from April 28 - November 29, 2009. (Wikipedia)

Below some pictures of the Maelstrom exhibition at the Met.



Pictures by Federico Goldbaum

Faces of Bleh


Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Zebra Wall Project

Thank you to all my freaks that have already sent their zebra art!!
The wall is looking great, I will be posting some cool pics and bios on Wednesday.

Send your holiday Zebras to

and Kris Kringle will reward you
with a super cool present! ;)

Share your love!!



Photographer: Olivier Spinnler
Model: Jaz Ayling
Location: Switzerland

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

God Knows



The Zebra Wall Project

Hi freaks!

I introduce to you the zebral wall project.

What is it about?

I recently moved to a new apartment and found myself with many walls to decorate... So I decided to do a "Zebra Wall." Basically, I wish to fill it with art work related only to zebras.
The idea came up with my ex roommate when we were living at my previous apartment and REALLY had tons of huge walls to decorate. But the idea remained an idea and not an actual project.

Well now its happening and I want YOUR STUFF on my wall!

How does it work?

-Your art work can be done on any media, BUT it has to be original, no copies PLEASE...
It can be poetry, drawing, picture, painting, scrap, clay, play dough, wood, ANYTHING!

-It HAS to be related to ZEBRAS. Whether its the zebra print, the actual zebra, whatever, but the subject must be zebra related.

-I want YOUR interpretation of a zebra, I want to see that zebra inside your head out in the material world!

All art work can be sent in pdf format to or given to me in person if you live in NYC.

Every Wednesday I will do a post with pictures of the Zebra Wall and its latest additions. Not only will your amazing art work be displayed in this super cool wall, but I will write a short bio of you and write your explanation of your zebra.

Let me show you the wall and the first zebra to ever be in it...


Send your artwork please!!! and leave some love!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

You don't understand me

Short film I shot with photographer Stephane Nguyen ("behind the scenes" of a photoshoot. Modeling, styling, hair and makeup by me.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

Black Gold


Model: Guy Malim
Photographer: Bandana
Location: NYC

More after the break...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Marco Papale

Dialogue: L'Odio - La Haine(1995)
Software: After Effects CS4
Location: Milan, Italy

Dust to Dust

Miguel Menezes ©

Waking up is hard


Jaz Ayling©