Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hi Natas crew...

For those who don't know me, I'm Frederic Alexander. I used to live in Milan but moved to London for 2 reasons, to perfect my English (who still sucks!) and to be in a city surrounding by music spirit!

Like most of you I like music, but something came to me when I was there.My uncle (music Manager), from Brighton (south UK), have an amazing CD collection... to picture it, well it's like a music store department without the commercial crap! Anyway, came to my hands AnotherLateNight by Zero7.A great album but none of the tracks are from them...

Normally I never check compilation. I just think that's another commercial thing from labels to make money with some useless commercial tracks/artists... So I always looked for real album to get the mood/spirit of the artists & bands... you know what I mean!!!

But then I checked on internet where that AnotherLateNight came from! It was the previous name of this thing called LateNightTales.


Basically it's a concept, where artists & bands are welcome to make their own compilation with a simple task... Define yourselves with a 20ish tracks compilation, what inspire you....Snow Patrol, Lindstrom, Nouvelle Vague, AIR or the Flaming

Lips are some of them who did that challenge to share their world.

What a great thing, a none profitable compilation, made by artist who are open to share with us who they trully musically Are!!!

It's a really taught thing to do, to open your doors to everyone. And it's also something hard to make.

So I tried myself....

Well I'm not a musician, but I'm into a music process when it come to create thing anyway...

To made a 20ish compilation could be harder than I thought. It's not like the mixtape or the CD we burn for a road trip... First to choose your best songs who inspire you, could be a long process. My first try made a 200 songs playlist. After came the "One song by Artist"... that's tougher, really!!! But you get a good average of 60. Then come the hardest point! To select the tracks to put this compilation with the same mood! Half of them are gone... you still have 30 songs. The trully result of a 20ish (22 for me) compilation, it's to make the right tracks order!

Well this is my LateNightTales compilation!

(The cover artwork inspired by the LateNightTales artwork too!)

1. Ohia - Farewell Transmission
2. Matt Oldfield - 10
3. King Creosote - Not One Bit Ashamed
4. Laura Veirs - Snow Camping
5. Caribou - Hello Hammerheads
6. Fink - See It All
7. The Brian Jonestown Massacre - You Look Great When I'm Hight
8. Antony & The Johnsons - Her Eyes Are Underneath The Ground
9. AIR - Talisman
10. Elliott Smith - Alameda
11. Boards Of Canada - Peacock Tail
12. Team Lg - Way We Do It
13. Anathallo - Hanasakajijii (Three: The Man Who Made Dead Trees Bloom)
14. School Of Seven Bells - Face To Face On Hight Places
15. Au Revoir Simone - A Violent Yet Flammable World
16. The XX - Crystalised
17. The Egg - Angel Of My Soul
18. Phoenix - Love Like a Sunset (part I & II)
19. Blind Pilot - Oviedo
20. Cat Power - Maybe Not
21. Husky Rescue - New Light Of Tomorrow
22. Yann Tiersen - La Chute


Friday, October 30, 2009

Mise-en scene Video

I'm finally done with one of my shots for my short movie, as i explained in a earlier post, i wanted to portray the relationship between a couple through the language of the hands.

Filmed in Arri 16s black and white reversal film

In french, mise-en literally means " to put on stage."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

In Kate's shoes

Today Kate is showing off her work in Paris. If youre in the city of lights, pay her a visit in the Marais.

"There’s no great consequential "bullshit" story behind the "In Their Shoes" exhibition. We have beautiful friends who wear fabulous shoes and we capture them in the moment being themselves. All good photography tells the story of a moment and all shoes tell a story about the people who are wearing them, where they’ve been and where they want to go."

An interview with Kate, conducted by yours truly will soon be on, eh, NATAS blog.

until then, talk amongst yourselves:








Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jaz, The Samsung Girl

The Natas crew would like to cheer & congratulate Jaz because she became the new face of Samsung for Switzerland. Hoooraaayy!!!


Halloween extravaganza..

Hi freaks!!
So Halloween is coming up and here in NYC people are going crazy... Obviously the NATAS NYC Crew will be documenting every freak on a leash and wacko on a sacko... Get ready people... some good ass pictures and videos are coming up... Get excited!!
We will have some guests arriving tomorrow and craziness will start as soon as the clock hits midnight... be sure it will be quality material; NATAS material!!

Show some love and spread the word!!


Monday, October 26, 2009

LOL Camera

When i saw this i thought, shit, this is awesome, a cheap diposable camera that shoots 24 pictures and comes with 12 different designs, well what does that mean? well every time u shoot a mustache,rain drops, heart shaped frames etc imposes itself to the image. pretty sweet, huh?


Free Script Writing Software

Just found this free script writing software called Celtx for all of you aspiring screen writers. You can download it here.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coming Soon: The Cabin in the Woods

Coming Soon: The Cabin in the Woods

Filmed in Montenegro

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mise-en scene

I've been working on a silent short film, my very first drama, recorded in black & white with an Arri 16s camera. In this particular scene i wanted to portray the relationship between a couple through the language of the hands.

Here they are some screenshots and footage will be posted during this week...

Husband..............Evan Quinn
Wife.....................Jasmine Ayling
Director of photography
Natalia Lopez
Camera Assistant
Natalia Lopez
Eduardo Alcivar
Special thanks to
Massimo Galeano
Amacord restaurant NY

Purchase of the day

"A museum show is the acid test for photojournalism."
Richard Lacayo

Pontaccio crew 2009

Lips wanted to turn one of my HDR pics into a poster for his room. I prepared the file and posted it online. The pic is "Pontaccio Crew 09". For those interested, here is the link.
Click on link, save file, print at will.


Friday, October 23, 2009

For Care by Bear

Jaz Ayling ©, march 2008

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lego Camera

I just received my new digital blue lego Camera© which can be purchased for around $75. Obviously this camera lacks professionalism but makes a great toy and is a fun option for those quasi-cheap and over exposed low quality style snap shots. I know you want one too...

Here are some examples from my roof top and apartment, NY with model Jaz

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"We Were Once A Fairytale" - Kanye West Dir: Spike Jonze

I have to share this video with you freaks. Directed by Spike Jonz and starring Kanye West...
Can somebody say ACID OVERDOSE? Seriously, it is so creepy and dark and weird but in a way... captivating. =S

You HAVE to check it out...

*hugs and kisses!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Model Profile: JAZ AYLING

I will never forget just 2 months ago drinking coffee in Belgrade airport waiting for our departure when she said to me "fuck this, im gonna start modeling''.
Here is the result of her first success. The Natas team wishes her many more

Jaz is small, she's 1.60 tall but she has a big dream. This post is dedicated to the start of her bright future. Although she's an artist and musician, the story doesn't end there as for her there is no such thing as an ending to a story with a beautiful start. Last summer Jaz spent a lot of time behind the lens photographing models who encouraged her to be in front of the lens. With the little curiosity that she had for the profession she gave it first shot and score bull's eye first time round.

Photographer: Pino Gomes 2009
Models: Jaz Ayling and Claudia Senn
More available on

Black & white for Michael

Last week i swept nonchanlanty through the last few hundred years of movements in painting my painting teacher did remind me though..insolence is bliss. And so i end up finger painting Queen Elizabeth..some dinosaurs heres a sneak peak...i am currently however totally tripping out on developing a new technique involving paint syringes and bubble wrap...interested? check back mid november.
Top image :Acrylic sur toile Jaz Ayling octobre 2009©
Bottom image: Acrylic sur matière isolant Jaz Ayling octobre 2009©


N'oublie pas d'arroser mon cul!

My class ass has been chilling in my room since my last post on the night i made it . It changed its shape often up too as much as twice a day last week i cant keep my hands off it. Its as if i have this really hot latino girls ass comin out the floor, who can resist? My roomate said he wants to put a hole in it. I left this week to ny visiting bandana, the mold must stay wet so i can cast it into its final destination, so I left a big message on my door to my beloved roomies when i left sayin..


GIRLS!!!Compact hair dryers, draw yours today!

Tattoo and self portrait
April 2009 Jaz Ayling©

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photo stuff

Hello there Freaks!

I've been playing around with Bandana's camera and doing some Photoshop lately...
Check out this shenanigan!

Model: Frances Swett

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Faces Of Bleh

Many greetings from zee NYC to all you freaks out there!

I present to you Cedric "MMMMMMeeeeeehhhhh" Widmer.

Don't be shy.. show some lovee!!

There is a part of Kerouac's On the Road I live through and according to. It's goosebump perfect, it's raw, speed:ed, furiously naked, and it pulls you from your hair out of the bowl of water you were trying to drown yourself in, standing up. And it's perfect for Natas naturally:

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!
now politically incorrect would be giving these out to children.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Nordic Report, live from Stockholm:
The gym is the only place to flirt without alcohol in your bloodstream.

I just got a membership to a "fancy" club, and my colleague told me that I would have to put make up on before class. When I asked why she confirmed the above. I thought it was a myth. But of course it makes sense. Swedes in winter / morning period: we have nowhere else to go.

It’s too cold. So following my previous post. Either we’re mega creative, or we go to the gym.

Swedish physical success story (why it’s a land of beautiful boys and girls): When it’s cold outside, we work inside to create big ideas, or we go to the gym to work on our perfect bodies. And big bodies become small bodies.


HDR photography

I spent a good part of the summer behind the viewfinder. The technique I used most is HDR photography.

"In image processing, computer graphics, and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI or just HDR) is a set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminance between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods. This wider dynamic range allows HDR images to represent more accurately the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight." - Wikipedia

HDR portrait photography is challenging because the subject has to be dead still during the exposures (in this case 3). Total exposure time can range from 5 seconds to 15 seconds and up depending on the amount of lighting.

To display the images in a full resizeable window I've given up some control over the presentation. Depending on your window size, some pictures will crop making the framing questionable at times. Oh well, win some; lose some.

As usual, image loading time varies on connection speed. Patience please.

Please report bugs by emailing me. You can do that by clicking on my name in the slide show.


Faces of Bleh

I'm Disabled...!!!!!.....

Dog-Du Afternoon

15 minute photoshop fun

*Rubes n CTRL-ALT-Freek

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Logotype: Carolina Valenca

Recently, I've been working with an exciting new client. "Carolina Valencia" is a fashion line based in Ecuador, which can be described as chic and glamorous. Right now we are working on the early stages of creating the brand identity, and we're debating on a couple of logos.

So here are the proposals. Feel free to comment on your favorite one!

I won't deliver you from evil.

I am here, your Scandinavian correspondent, your Nordic Report - reporting live from cold raw wind blowing knee bowl hopping freezing white Bergmanian Sweden.

If you know our late Bergman, you'd laugh knowingly when I drop, "I am NOT death". Just a puff of fresh minted air blowing your way for you to know what's going on around the Northern Hemisphere.

Swedish winter has already ripped my dry lips, and no matter how many times I lick them, they are blood red and pound to the beat of my pulse (what else).

It snowed today. And as a result every Swede goes into working mood. When the long summer nights' distractions (brought to you by days filled with Rosé and nights filled with light and skinny dipping in the archipelago) are gone, we have nothing left.

When we have nothing left but dark months ahead, (3 hours of sunlight/day mind you). We go inwards. To our happy places. And we get so productive, so creative, and we find joy in what we create. If there's only winter and darkness outside, we create summer in our brains (nicely put).

Despite the snow; today the sun came exploding through the agency's massive glass roof, delivering us right into the ice blue sky. My colleague couldn't focus she told me. It's too light she barked. "When it's this light it feels like it's summer and I can't work."

Swedish success story: our long, depressing, bloody cold winters makes us brilliant working machines ready to create the best ads, and the awesomest furniture. This is why we have amazing fashion, IKEA, H&M, Creative talent, and Anna Anka (oh you haven't heard of her?).

And that's what I will be talking about in the future, things you didn't know you must know about the Nordics. If you know them, you'll be so ahead of all ye other lil suckers.

Nice meeting you, let's get naked, as Swedes say.


Jenna describes herself as geeky and awkward, she can actually list off every spell from Harry Potter and write down the Elfish alphabet to perfection. But the truth is that this 21 year-old Californian is a very cool, down to earth girl. The mere act of living inspires her, maybe that is why she is such a loving and open person. An active reader and student (she is currently a student at UC Berkeley,) Jenna is encouraged by her parents to pursuit her modeling career, they even offered to send her back to Europe, where she first began to model while she was living in Milan, Italy. Naturally beautiful, slim, with endlessly long legs and killer eyes, she obviously caught the attention of multiple agents. She is so outstanding and captivating that when she went as an extra to a photo shoot everyone thought she was one of the main models, so naturally she went along with it, duh. Her sense of humor is fantastic, extremely witty and intelligent, not a single drop of dullness. She admires her grandfather for "making an empire out of nothing but determination and intelligence," qualities she possesses and explodes to the max. Ultimately, she wants to work in the fashion industry and I am pretty sure she will succeed at it. NATAS LOVES JENNA!!

To visit Jenna's website click here

Pictures Of The Day

Good morning freaks!
Here are some pictures of NYC for you to enjoy!

Statue of Liberty

Central Park
