Thursday, October 15, 2009

I won't deliver you from evil.

I am here, your Scandinavian correspondent, your Nordic Report - reporting live from cold raw wind blowing knee bowl hopping freezing white Bergmanian Sweden.

If you know our late Bergman, you'd laugh knowingly when I drop, "I am NOT death". Just a puff of fresh minted air blowing your way for you to know what's going on around the Northern Hemisphere.

Swedish winter has already ripped my dry lips, and no matter how many times I lick them, they are blood red and pound to the beat of my pulse (what else).

It snowed today. And as a result every Swede goes into working mood. When the long summer nights' distractions (brought to you by days filled with Rosé and nights filled with light and skinny dipping in the archipelago) are gone, we have nothing left.

When we have nothing left but dark months ahead, (3 hours of sunlight/day mind you). We go inwards. To our happy places. And we get so productive, so creative, and we find joy in what we create. If there's only winter and darkness outside, we create summer in our brains (nicely put).

Despite the snow; today the sun came exploding through the agency's massive glass roof, delivering us right into the ice blue sky. My colleague couldn't focus she told me. It's too light she barked. "When it's this light it feels like it's summer and I can't work."

Swedish success story: our long, depressing, bloody cold winters makes us brilliant working machines ready to create the best ads, and the awesomest furniture. This is why we have amazing fashion, IKEA, H&M, Creative talent, and Anna Anka (oh you haven't heard of her?).

And that's what I will be talking about in the future, things you didn't know you must know about the Nordics. If you know them, you'll be so ahead of all ye other lil suckers.

Nice meeting you, let's get naked, as Swedes say.


  1. Yes!! So exciting!! I looove all that is Scandinavian!

  2. Yup, i confirm, she does. I don't know about all that is Scandinavian but i'm pretty sure about one that is Scandinavian.
