Tuesday, October 13, 2009


In April 2009 Jaz & Bandana traveled across the world to join me in what would be one of the greatest experiences of our lives. It was Coachella season, and people from around the globe were flocking the California desert for the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, an event we documented in the NATAS production "A Little Piece Of Coachella" (Which will be posted here sometime soon).

In the eve before of our road trip, Bandana gave me a gift; a box full of finger puppets. The moment I opened the box and saw a Moses puppet, a Spiderman puppet, and a giraffe puppet all in the same box, I knew we would never do anything serious with them. But that didn't stop us from trying... and failing. We recruited my friends Justin, Tyler and Wez to provide the voices for the puppets, and began improvising. The resulting videos rested unedited in my external hard drive for six months.

Earlier this week, I decided to reorganize my hard drive. That's when I realized that the puppet videos I had completely forgotten about were still there, so I watched them all, and laughed my ass off! They are crude and obscene, but nonetheless, funny stuff. They aren't quite a NATAS! quality production, so I labeled the edited version as a NATAS b-side.

I think, therefore I am. I think.


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