Friday, October 16, 2009

Nordic Report, live from Stockholm:
The gym is the only place to flirt without alcohol in your bloodstream.

I just got a membership to a "fancy" club, and my colleague told me that I would have to put make up on before class. When I asked why she confirmed the above. I thought it was a myth. But of course it makes sense. Swedes in winter / morning period: we have nowhere else to go.

It’s too cold. So following my previous post. Either we’re mega creative, or we go to the gym.

Swedish physical success story (why it’s a land of beautiful boys and girls): When it’s cold outside, we work inside to create big ideas, or we go to the gym to work on our perfect bodies. And big bodies become small bodies.


1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you're back into the blogosphereeeeee hahahahhahah
